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Old September 10th, 2008, 08:08 PM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Mod Reference DBs ?

Aside from the fact that I have *almost* 0 interest in doing it myself, and no time that I'm willing to allow to it, I also lack any real database creation skills. So I'm not even the best person for the job. Aside from that, I've already done all the hard work of thinking up the idea in the first place If it's one that doesn't find a home, I can live with that.

But I don't agree with the statement that there wouldn't be any benefit to it. Part of the problem with seeing the good that might come of it is that mod nations are automatically given lower priority than "vanilla" nations.

I don't see why: they all (or almost all) work--or can be made to work, it's all free content, it's a part of the game that we've done ourselves to add to the overall experience, and this would be a *VERY* big step towards getting mod nations balanced for Multi-Player games.

Especially if they can be set side-by-side with the vanilla nations.

And I'm pretty sure lots of people see the benefits of having databases on the nations that ship with the game.

I absolutely agree with Gandalf (and have said what amounts to it, on several occasions), that mod nations that display their graphics in their respective threads excite people more than nations which do not, are automatically more popular, and gather praise for their developers like a big fishing net of acclamation.

Sombre, you of all people ought to support atleast this idea, since showing off your graphics is a tactic that you've employed, and which has been one of the many innovations which has elevated you to mod-making godhood.

If other great and popular mod-makers, like Amos and Foodstamp, would do the same thing-or have it done for them-I think their mods would be even more admired than they already are.
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