Originally Posted by thatguy96
Arralen said:
U#517-519 "Pattuglia" (Patrol) is size "1"
Should be "0" .. e.g. USMC (OOB013) patrol U#053 is size "0" but carries many more weapons and ammo ..
Its the other way around. The USMC one should be size 1. 6+ men are size 1, 5 or less are size 0. At least this is the convention.
Correct. All the "patrol" units in the game that are 6 men are size one EXCEPT the USMC ( the USA "Fighting Patrol" is 6 men and size 1 as well) so it's the USMC unit that's the error ( now fixed ) and not the Italian Pattuglia. There are three scout units in the OOB's that were six men and size zero as well and those have now been corrected