Originally Posted by Twan
I support Zeldor's suggestion : make at least the first post of each thread editable without time limit (or better the first page of each thread, so a big list separated in several posts would be editable too), or better just remove this stupid limit (seriously are moderation problems so big here that you need a limit when far bigger boards don't seem to consider it necessary ? -don't know any board where users have a time limit on their editing rights).
Stupid limit to you, smart limit to us and yes you would be surprised about how much of an issue the editing thing is whenever a flame war breaks out or a user gets mad and deletes content. And yes there are plenty of places that limit editing. Some places don't allow it at all for that matter. We're trying to find a good compromise on those people who want to add something to their post or fix posting/typing errors without getting into a situation where we do he said she said and don't know the truth. We'll be looking at our options but until we can do that this issue is closed. We've heard from all of you and will examine it, but continuing to complain will not make that happen any faster.