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Old August 5th, 2008, 06:39 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 3000: Ulm in space

#modname "Ulmish Space Marines"
#description "Ulm conquers the Galaxy"
#version 1.00

------h2h weapons

#newweapon 720
#name "Taser"
#dmg 5
#att 1
#def 0
#len 1
#rcost 1

#newweapon 721
#name "Plasma Chainsaw"
#dmg 10
#att 2
#def -2
#len 2
#rcost 2

-------ranged weapons

#newweapon 700
#name "Laser pistol"
#dmg 5
#att 0
#def 0
#len 0
#range 50
#ammo 50
#nratt 1
#rcost 1

#newweapon 701
#name "Blaster"
#dmg 10
#att 0
#def 0
#len 0
#range 60
#ammo 50
#nratt 1
#rcost 2

#newweapon 702
#name "Power Blaster"
#dmg 12
#att 0
#def 0
#len 0
#range 60
#ammo 50
#nratt 1
#rcost 3

#newweapon 703
#name "Heavy Space Blaster"
#dmg 15
#att 0
#def 0
#len 0
#range 60
#ammo 50
#nratt 1
#rcost 3


#newarmor 340
#name "Body Armour"
#type 5
#prot 5
#enc 0
#def 0
#rcost 1

#newarmor 341
#name "Medium Body Armour"
#type 5
#prot 10
#enc 1
#def 0
#rcost 2

#newarmor 342
#name "Heavy Body Armour"
#type 5
#prot 15
#enc 2
#def -1
#rcost 3

#newarmor 343
#name "Ulmish Space Suit"
#type 5
#prot 10
#enc 1
#def -1
#rcost 2

#newarmor 344
#name "Ion Shield"
#type 4
#prot 10
#enc 0
#def 0
#rcost 1

#newarmor 345
#name "Plasma Shield"
#type 4
#prot 15
#enc 0
#def 0
#rcost 2

#newarmor 346
#name "Basic Helmet"
#type 6
#prot 5
#enc 0
#def 0
#rcost 1

#newarmor 347
#name "Marine Helmet"
#type 6
#prot 10
#enc 0
#def 0
#rcost 2

#newarmor 347
#name "Space Suit Helmet"
#type 6
#prot 10
#enc 0
#def 0
#rcost 2


#newmonster 2600
#spr1 "./"
#spr2 "./"
#name "Ulmish Planet Guard"
#descr "The first and last line of defence of any Ulmish planet. The men and women inhabiting and and brave enough to fight with the limited means at their disposal."
#hp 10
#size 2
#prot 0
#mor 8
#mr 10
#enc 3
#str 10
#att 8
#def 8
#prec 9
#mapmove 1
#ap 10
#gcost 7
#rcost 1
#armor "Body Armour"
#armor "Basic Helmet"
#armor "Ion Shield"
#weapon "Laser pistol"
#maxage 60

#newmonster 2601
#spr1 "./"
#spr2 "./"
#name "Ulmish Space Marine"
#descr "Profesional Marines, standard training, standard armour, standard weapons. Humans in space. Galactic War will never be the same."
#hp 10
#size 2
#prot 0
#mor 10
#mr 10
#enc 3
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#mapmove 2
#ap 10
#gcost 10
#rcost 1
#armor "Medium Body Armour"
#armor "Marine Helmet"
#armor "Ion Shield"
#weapon "Blaster"
#weapon "Taser"
#maxage 60

#newmonster 2602
#spr1 "./"
#spr2 "./"
#name "Black Knight"
#descr "Elite Marines, The best of the best and the weapons to match. The Black Knights are named after their famous ancient elite counterparts and proud to uphold the high standards set by those before them."
#hp 11
#size 2
#prot 0
#mor 12
#mr 10
#enc 3
#str 11
#att 11
#def 10
#prec 11
#mapmove 1
#ap 10
#gcost 12
#rcost 1
#armor "Heavy Body Armour"
#armor "Marine Helmet"
#armor "Plasma Shield"
#weapon "Blaster"
#weapon "Taser"
#maxage 60

#newmonster 2603
#spr1 "./"
#spr2 "./"
#name "Blood Knight"
#descr "Decendants of the last Ulmish vampires these fanatic warriors only exist to spill blood, literally, the more blood the better."
#hp 13
#size 2
#prot 0
#mor 12
#mr 10
#enc 2
#str 11
#att 11
#def 10
#prec 10
#mapmove 2
#ap 12
#gcost 12
#rcost 1
#berserk 2
#armor "Heavy Body Armour"
#armor "Marine Helmet"
#armor "Plasma Shield"
#weapon "Plasma Chainsaw"
#maxage 50

#newmonster 2619
#spr1 "./"
#spr2 "./"
#name "Space Suited Marine"
#descr "In Ulm only one standard issue space suit is produced for all troops, and it comes with one heavy weapon capable of doing damage against the largest spaceships. Weigthlessness makes humans dangerous."
#hp 10
#size 2
#prot 0
#mor 10
#mr 10
#enc 3
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#mapmove 2
#ap 10
#gcost 7
#rcost 1
#armor "Space Suit Helmet"
#armor "Ulmish Space Suit"
#armor "Plasma Shield"
#weapon "Heavy Space Blaster"
#weapon "Taser"
#maxage 60


#newmonster 2620
#spr1 "./"
#spr2 "./"
#name "Ulmish Space Marine Captain"
#descr "First amongst equals the Captain has had the same training as his marines but during training his ability to lead others to greater glory was noticed and ruthlessly exploited to serve the pretender god of Ulm"
#hp 10
#size 2
#prot 0
#mor 10
#mr 10
#enc 3
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#mapmove 2
#ap 10
#gcost 40
#rcost 1
#armor "Medium Body Armour"
#armor "Marine Helmet"
#armor "Ion Shield"
#weapon "Blaster"
#weapon "Taser"
#maxage 60

#newmonster 2621
#spr1 "./"
#spr2 "./"
#name "Ulmish Space Marine General"
#descr "Space Marine Generals are officers who worked themselves up the chain of command. The best of the best in tactical battlefield leadership his presence inspires nearby troops."
#hp 10
#size 2
#prot 0
#mor 10
#mr 10
#enc 3
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 10
#mapmove 2
#ap 10
#standard 10
#gcost 60
#rcost 1
#armor "Medium Body Armour"
#armor "Marine Helmet"
#armor "Plasma Shield"
#weapon "Blaster"
#weapon "Taser"
#maxage 60

#newmonster 2621
#spr1 "./"
#spr2 "./"
#name "Inter-stellar Troop Transport"
#descr "A large freighter adjusted to carry troops"
#hp 10
#size 6
#prot 17
#mor 10
#mr 10
#enc 10
#str 10
#att 10
#def 10
#prec 5
#mapmove 4
#ap 2
#standard 10
#gcost 150
#rcost 150
#maxage 500

-------- New sites

#newsite 996
#name "Marine Headquarters"
#path 4
#level 0

#rarity 5

#gems 4 1
#homecom 2

#newsite 997
#name "The Forge of Ulm"
#path 0
#level 0
#rarity 5
#gems 0 1
#homemon 2

#newsite 998
#name "The Unlimited Mines of Ulm"
#path 3
#level 0
#rarity 5
#gems 3 4

-------- New nations

#selectnation 75
#name "The Great Galactic Empire of Ulm"
#epithet "Deus Vult"
#era 2
#brief "Humans in space"
#descr "Humans in space"
#summary "Humans in space"
#flag ""
#templepic 7
#castleprod 20
#startsite "Marine Headquarters"
#startsite "The Forge of Ulm"
#startsite "The Unlimited Mines of Ulm"

--Sets what forts they will use.
#startfort 31
#defaultfort 8
#mountainfort 30
#swampfort 11
#forestfort 33
#uwfort 32
#deepfort 32

------- Add soldiers

#addrecunit 2600 -- militia
#addrecunit 2601 -- marine
#addrecunit 2602 -- elite marine
#addrecunit 2603 -- h2h berserker
#addrecunit 260 --
#addrecunit 260 --
#addrecunit 260 --
#addrecunit 260 --
--addrecunit 2619 -- space suit
--addrecunit 2 --
--addrecunit 2 --
--addrecunit 2 --
--addrecunit 2 --

------- Add leaders

#addreccom 2620 -- Captain
#addreccom 2621 -- General
#addreccom 2622 --
#addreccom 2623 --
#addreccom 2624 --
#addreccom 2625 --
--addreccom 2626 --
--addreccom 2627 --
--addreccom 2628 --
--addreccom 2629 --

------- Province Defence

--Sets the units to be used in province defense.

#defcom1 2620
#defcom2 2620
#defunit1 2600

#defunit1b 2600
#defunit2 2601
#defunit2b 2601

--Sets how many of the units to appear per point.

#defmult1 10
#defmult1b 10

#defmult2 10
#defmult2b 10

------- Hero Settings

#hero1 2572 --
#hero2 2574 --
#hero3 2570 --
#hero4 2576 --
#hero5 2578 --
#hero6 2575 --

#idealcold 0

#startcom 2620
#startunittype1 2601
#startunitnbrs1 10
#startunittype2 2601
#startunitnbrs2 10
#startscout 2620
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