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Old June 5th, 2008, 06:44 PM
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Default New MA game (PBEM) -- Tigerstripes (in progress)

New MA game, settings & map totally negotiable (you all seem pretty easy-going), any experience level. Myself, I have played many hours of single player, but I know that's never quite like multi-player. So newbies are cool, but I have absolutely no problem with playing with very experienced players as well.

Feel free to nudge me however you deem necessary, since I haven't hosted/admin'd a game before.

Settings decided thus far:
Inde strength: 7
No score graphs (although I think they're fun)

Player: nation roster: 10 players;
Anticipatient: Jotunheim;
DryaUnda: Ulm;
Secretperson: T'ien Ch'i;
veto: R'Lyeh;
don_Pablo: Eriu;
Staneth: Arcosephale;
alhorro: Mictian;
Executor: C'tis;
ThatGuyBob: Agartha;
Sleet: Machaka;
chrispedersen: Ashdod
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