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Old May 1st, 2008, 05:27 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Catching the enemy army

Movement happens first. You'll never catch a invader with a pursuing army, unless he stays put.

You can intercept him, if you can guess where he's headed and move there.

All moves into friendly territory happen first. Then all attacks happen simultaneously. So if he's in B attacking C and you're in A, if you attack B, he'll be gone. If you can move to C, then you'll be there to meet him.

The exception is when the armies cross, then there's randomness. If he turned and attacked A from B, while you were attacking B from A, the fight could take place in either province, or less likely both (The armies can miss each other.)

The real way to catch an army is to teleport an SC on top of them. That happens before movement,
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