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Old April 8th, 2008, 01:09 PM
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Default Sub required Feohtan, Ctis


I'm playing Ctis in Feohtan. The nation is in surprisingly good state considering it was engaged in bitter war with Vanheim from practically day 1, that was later joined by Marverni. Despite that, Ctis is in good economic shape both gold and gem wise and it has good research as well.

The game is set for 48h host turnaround and is at turn 55.

I will be on PTO starting Apr 24th until May 22nd and I do not plan to play dominions while vacating in S. America thank you very much

Since the nation is in state of war subbing will not be a tranquil affair. Whom who'll sub is in for battles and skirmishes on a turn to turn basis, raiding and counter raiding and lots of mind games trying to outguess the opposition. Basically quite interesting but can be a handful.

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