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Old April 8th, 2008, 11:15 AM

Xietor Xietor is offline
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Default Re: Any Interest in another Big Game this summer(M

1. Yes, it may be good to raise the cost of gem producing items by 2 paths, rather than 1.

2. As for a victory condition, I am thinking a certain number of capitals. Though capitals can be hard to take. I fought many wars and in 90 turns only had 7 capitals at game end.

I would be curious if Velusion, Atul, or EvilHomer can recall how many capitals they owned? Taking capitals rewards aggressive nations. Nations that choose to sit tight and clam and build up may be very powerful, but it may be hard to gain ground in a race for capitals.

And if there are 60 players, what would be a reasonable number of capitals to win? 15? That means someone vanquished 15 nations. That is pretty good.

3. As the game moved along, we would need llamabeast to update how many capitals each major player owned.

4. With respect to file hacking, llamabeast can always look at any suspicious file. He can also verify if someone is cheating(by using a banned exploit). Of course he would not do this as a matter of course, only if some dispute arose.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.
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