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Old February 7th, 2008, 08:21 PM

Companion Companion is offline
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Default Problem with units modded by scen/camp designer

Sometimes scenario designers change weapons of certain units for design purposes. (i.e. a wheeled ATGM modified to carry mortat instead of missiles)

Well, this is good and enjoyable. However, when these modified units refit their ammo, ammo loadouts follow the original unmodified weapon schemes. (Ever had a chopper loaded with 70+ hellfires with plain HE? or an APC with only 4 AP MG rounds?)

Another problem is modified core units in campaigns.
After completing the first mission, Company 1st Sgt. would become a fully equiped mech section unit (although retaining its name) and "water supply truck" that had cost of 100+ would become just another heavy truck with cost of around 45.

Is there any way to go around these problems?
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