Thread: Wind Ride
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Old February 3rd, 2008, 07:23 PM

jeffr jeffr is offline
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Default Wind Ride

Can someone please remind me of the Wind Ride rules.

I cast Wind Ride on a province with an enemy Pretender God, the size 3 Virtue, who is not Ethereal and didn't have any Earth magic.

Yet the Virtue was not transported to my casting province. Nothing was.

I couldn't see who was in the target province. I didn't have an adjacent province. I knew that Virtue was there because it had just taken the province from me. I don't tink there was a lab there either (almost definately not), so the Virtue couldn't have cast some sort of telport out spell.

The upgrade to patch 3.14 happend on this turn. Could that have been it or maybe you can't Wind Ride Pretender Gods?
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