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Old January 31st, 2008, 04:54 AM
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Default Re: Bow down before megamod_late

9th dec
* Modding: Max number of nations and nametypes increased.

#selectnation <nation nbr>

Selects the nation that will be affected by the following modding commands. End modding this nation with the #end command. Nation number is a number between 0 and 94. See table 19 and the two following tables for currently used numbers. You can use number 72 to 79 in order to create new nations without overwriting an existing one. Numbers 23 to 25 are used for various independents and monsters in the game and cannot be used for modding.
I think the latter is just a typo, missed in the mod manual update. In my quick test, changing a mod nation to be nation nr 90 worked out without any problems.
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