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Old January 11th, 2008, 04:09 AM
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Default Re: I want demons with Glamour

Well, see, here we've got what Alexander encountered, on his campaign, rather than coming *from* the Greek tradition.

It's about two tribes of demons, the Gog and the Magog, that Alexander ran into, somewhere beyond Persia and above India. They were said to be more or less typically monstrous, with the specific oddity of the Gog only having one leg but capable of running extremely fast, while the Magog had three legs, and were even faster.

Although they were quite potent and had terrorized the region for quite some time, Alexander apparently defeated them so soundly that they fled into their caves and never showed their faces again, from that point on only haunting the cave-filled region with their mysterious voices and whispers.

I personally feel that they may have represented the people who lived in the cave-cities of Turkey, or possibly entities they believed in and feared, but this is mostly speculation and conjecture. Still, a good imagination could fill in the gaps enough to form a very interesting nation for Dominions.
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