Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
> > Will I be able to retrieve .trn files to local computer or they are stored at server indefinitely?
> Not sure how the dominions file system works, however I know it does work so I don't know why you'd need special care.
Best way to work it:
1. Connect to server. You get told what nation you have on your drive for that game.
2. Confirm nation. You are asked for password.
3. Type password. See 'Receiving turn file' message. End up at screen showing all nations, with info about deadline.
4. GET OUT. Do NOT enter map.
5. Once safely disconnected from server, choose 'Play an Existing Game'. Type your password, take your turn, revise it as many times you wish. At this point, server does not know about this.
6. Once you like your turn, connect to server again, type password, see "Uploading turn", you're done.
7. You can still connect and revise your turn, until server hosts.
By the way, each new turn overwrites old turn. If you want record of all your game, you have to save .trn and .2h files before uploading on server.
(I know my English sucks, but I'm too old to bother or let it bother me)