Re: Forseti (Open)
Btw LP, furthering our discussion in the Elli thread ; ), I would be happy to send you two updated .map files with 7 land/1 water and 10 land/2 water starting positions preselected. --I want to keep situations like random selection causing three players to be 3 provinces away from each other, while three others have 8 provinces to the nearest neighbour, or such like that. I would try to select starting positions that would be as fair as possible, and *which* position each player gets would still be random--which both allows still considerable uncertainty and randomness, and minimizes any potential bias on my part. I would take into consideration such things as corners, expansion directions, province attributes (such as wasteland clumps, large pop and multisite specials) and so forth when I did so.
What do the rest of you think?