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Old December 5th, 2007, 05:58 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: [beginner] a Zerg nation ?

1. Yes, absolutely. One could make a very interesting Zerg nation.

2. No. That material is certainly copyrighted and is, afaik, the property of Blizzard. If you were to lift graphics directly from starcraft you'd need permission from Blizzard (you won't get it) and besides that, the graphics would probably look pretty bad in dom3. The subject of ripping material from other sources or being inspired by other sources such as Warhammer is perhaps one best left alone in this forum, but I know for sure that directly copying graphics from Starcraft is not a good idea, especially if you announce it.

3. Take a look at the other mods on this forum. They will help you work some stuff out and provide examples of what other non-artists have been able to do.
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