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Old December 1st, 2007, 02:13 PM

mantari mantari is offline
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Default Re: MOD - Weird Worlds: Rebooted [ATTACHED]

I think for the credits, since this is a collaborative mod, I'm going to name the other mods, one or two major contributors to that mod, and the major items taken from each of the mods. Just looking at the individual credits from the Babylon 5 Shadowfall tells me that fitting individual names and roles on there will be a huge undertaking. (That, and nobody would read all of it.) Does that sound appropriate?

The weapon graphics mostly came from other mods. I have been making a few little changes, but I haven't been concentrating on that aspect of it. My more original work was done in fixing up the Subspace Torpedo Launcher (from the Added Content mod). I replaced the yellow asterisk with some pre-existing game images (stars, no less), and I boosted its tail. I really liked how that one turned out. Aside from that, my only other work was to repackage the Extended Range Laser, which was originally billed as a Laser Support Battery from Weapon Effects mod. That weapon is seriously more useful than most people would first think.

In this version, I started to play around with weapon sizes (creating a size '3' for superweapons like is done in the Babylon mod). But I'm starting to question how good of an idea that is, since you can't easily identify superweapons, or superweapon capable slots. Or am I just not being creative enough?

I found out what was tripping the Threep bug (it came from Teeming With Life). You could also get past the lock-up by messing around with the [time fast forward] button, and advancing time a bit. The TIME 90 in combination with adding/removing the items was causing the problem. This is almost certainly a game engine bug. But I just removed the TIME statement altogether. Too bad, because it kind of removes some of the flavor from the device (exchanging time and an item to create a passenger).

I'm glad that some of you are enjoying the mod so far. Phlagm, I'd expect you to enjoy it. After all, it is like, at least, 25% your content!