Thread: Mod Blood Elves
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Old November 27th, 2007, 07:49 PM

Maraxus Maraxus is offline
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Default Re: Blood Elves

Okay, now the finer changes can start.

The Units seam okay, but are heavyly overprived (except for the Deceiver, that is probably somewhere between slightly overpriced to just right).

The Frozen Katana looks confusing. Only 8 damage without strength bonus? This is too weak. Furthermore, you have set the damage to cold and then to shock, what overwrites the first. So it deals shock damage? Usually this is armor negating, but you have to mod this into the weapon separately.
So what shall it be? 8 armor negating shock damage seams okay, but does not fit the name "frozen katana". You might want to use #cold and #secondaryeffect to add shock damage.

darkened Fairy: Might I suggest the name "Dark Fairy"? Furthermore, while Mind Blasts don't fit that think, it would be good to add any (melee)weapon. And maybe an Elf Shot. In exchange, I'd change the Map-Movement a bit. 3 would be better.

Summoneress: Interesting Unit. Forges your rod with 1 point discount and offers a unique way to deal with blood hunting unrest. Since it's so new, I can not really judge it but it looks okay. Strange but okay balanced.

Blood Charlice: This is still a very powerful unit and your strategies will likely go around this. No other nation has recruteable holy 4-commanders. They will be your blood hunter, sacrificer, mages and priests for cheap gold.
However, seeing the rest of the nation, here it is possible.

Ritualist: Your Seducers. In contrast to Arcosvale, they are recruitable everywhere and hard to resist. This makes a powerful option, but it is counter-able (Opponent used female or undead thugs). Very specialised but still strong in what it is supposed to do.
Again, in other nation setups, it might be to strong, but given that your end-game magic will mostly come only through summoned bloodcreatures, this is okay vor this nation.
You might want to explain, why it uses 2 mind-blasts, however.

PS: To better get a feeling for good costs in gold and resources, I'd suggest you play a few more AI games with various nations.
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