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Old November 25th, 2007, 02:34 PM
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Zylithan Zylithan is offline
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Default Making a Map Database?

Previously I complained about/suggested a different format for downloading custom maps. A lot of people make cool maps, but they quickly get lost or move off the front screen. The level of feedback is suboptimal, etc. I talked about this some in a previous (hijcaekd thread):,All_Forums&Words=&Searchpage=3&Limit=25&Main=5601 94&Search=true&where=&Name=9938&daterange=&newerva l=&newertype=&olderval=&oldertype=&bodyprev=#Post5 60354

I would love to try to help fix this (what I see as a) problem. Ideally I would love to create a database where:

1. mapmakers could upload a map, also a preview, and a summary.
2. users could leave comments and rate the map based on several categories ideally (overall, balance, art, uniqueness, fun, etc.)
3. people could search based on rating.
4. downloads and comments would be tracked.

Really I want one hub where people can go to download and upload maps. I hope that if this is created we can get more feedback, etc. I have a good amount of time THIS WEEK to work on this project, but I have very little skill. Is there anyone who could help me make this happen? I reckon we'd either need to host it here somehow, or host it on a remote website and sticky a thread at the top of the maps forum (maybe also the normal forums... I think a lot of people don't venture into the maps/mods forums who would download maps, but they dont want to read about making maps).
I reckon I'd also need someone who knew how to do coding.

Basically, I am pretty much useless, but offer my services as a tester and pesterer to try to make this happen. I also promise I'll check out maps and leave comments, etc if we can make this happen.

If this already exists, in a LIVE version, for dom3 maps, let me know -- Either I'm an idiot, or it needs to be publicized much better.

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