This game is on the Epotara Map that I made. You can find the map here:
Epotara Map
We will be using the Late Era Scenario.
This will be a PBEM game (that is, Play By Email).
The Settings:
Victory Condition:� Victory Points (non-cumulative);� One in each capital.� Need 5 to win (roughly 30%)
Late Era�
Conceptual Balance Mod (Pretenders and Scales Only)
Worthy Heroes Mod� 1.8
Endoperez's "Quickfix" Mod
Streamers & Standards Mod
Indies 7�
Site Frequency 50
Money 100
Resources/Supplies 100�
Random events common�
Score Graphs on
Hall of Fame 15�
Standard Research
Renaming allowed
Hosting schedule:� Daily turns through Turn 15, and then switch to a Sunday / Tuesday / Thursday schedule. Deadlines will generally be at 9:00 p.m. Boston time.
Here is a link re Boston Time for your convenience.
Boston Time
1. Abysia - Sir Dr D
2. Agartha - Cerlin
3. Arco - Aristander
4. Atlantis - Pashadawg
5. Caelum - Morkilus
6. C'Tis - Stelteck
7. Jomon - DonCorazon
8. Man - Ramshead
9. Marignon - Aethyr
10. Midgard - Aezeal
11. Mictlan - Dragonfire11
12. Pan - Wokeye
13. Patala - Cainehill
14. Pythium - Ironhawk
15. Tien Chi - Meglobob
16. Ulm - djo
17. Utgard - Bluebird
Start Date: Friday, Nov. 16. (Maybe Saturday due to the new player.)