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Old November 3rd, 2007, 04:50 PM
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Zylithan Zylithan is offline
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Default Re: City wars-Gang wars, a new map + mod ALPHA

I always use numbers. I have had errors with names once or twice. But I think its only 4 sites per province. Endoperez's solution sounds good (give each nation a province that is connected to no other nation and gives lots of old).
The only problems with that are:

1. someone could teleport into another person's bank. not a problem if this is SP and you tell people not to cheat.
2. losing your cap wouldnt mean losing your bank. Once again, not a problem if SP I think, because if you lose your cap I'm guessing you start over?
3. you wouldnt get someone else's bank by stealing their cap.

with low population, wont you also have low supplies?

never heard of bad neighbor. my guess is you wrote a number that doesnt exist, or didnt write a number in (like, were supposed to have two numbers and only wrote one)

re: getting kicked out of the game... i dont really know what i'm talking about here.. wasnt there some issue with you and admins a while back? did that get fixed? or maybe i am confused
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