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Old October 30th, 2007, 08:30 AM
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Default Re: Does the new patch allow music modding?

You can replace the music files (*.al in rawsound) with your own. They're A-law encoded raw data at 11025 Hz and 16 bits stereo. However, the game seems to render them a little differently than the programs I have tried (Adobe Audition and Steinberg WaveLab), which results in some distortion: If I play the game sounds with those programs, they sound a little dull, and if I replace the music with something that I saved myself then that has a high pitch with some distortion ingame. Either the game processes the sounds in some way or it uses the algorithms a little differently than the standard. Maybe it's some adaptive or differential format instead of PCM?

I agree that the music does get on your nerve if you play over a long period due to lack of variation (we need MORE music!) so I have turned it off except for battles.
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