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Old October 21st, 2007, 03:35 AM
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Default Re: Thunder Strike Question.

Yes, it does.

The way it works is this:

Thunderstrike (spell #278) has a value in the "Secondary Effect" field - 5, to be exact.

If we look at spell #5, it is a hidden (non-researchable) spell named "Thunder shock".

This hidden spell inflicts 30 + 2/level points of stun damage (those levels are presumably levels of air inherited from Thunder Strike, but I'm not 100% sure of this) with an AoE of 1, and a #spec of 2176.

2176 includes flags 128 (armor negating) and 2048 (shock based.) Tada.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe
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