Thread: AI Questions
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Old September 8th, 2007, 10:13 PM
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Default Re: AI Questions

Gandalf Parker said:
The current AI has no strategies for blesses = TRUE
probably true
The current AI has no strategies for supercombatants = TRUE
The current AI has no strategies for the death arena = TRUE
The current AI has no strategies for the trading = TRUE]
The current AI has no strategies for diplomacy = TRUE
The current AI has no strategies for the food supply = TRUE
You'll need to elaborate with details of evidence. Otherwise you're just spitting out a fish story as I can easily provide details as why my statements are true. As for its death arena strategy... it selects one of its largest sized units which does more damage as it will blindly send its large sized pretenders to a stupid death.
Just because the AI is able to participate with the death arena does NOT make it a strategy!

Gandalf Parker said:
and wishing for a #startspell is a little bit more likely than wishing for scripted AI but its still not as good an effort as using the AI's abilities better.
I would definitely want scripted AI over the #startspell.

There can be only one.
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