Thread: Mod Better Independents
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Old September 2nd, 2007, 04:06 AM
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Default Re: NEW MOD: No Independents

The problem being that if you want a clean looking game, one would need to select the affected nations, clear the recruitment list and rebuild it entirely with the copystatted indie units in there. Bit more work that I'm willing to do at the moment. Currently that one militia unit is the only one affected.

I suppose I will do that at some point in the future, but that'll be after the patch. It also occurred to me that perhaps I should rename this mod to "Better Independents" and then make a separate mod where all indies cost 9k and put that out as "No independents".

What I'd really like would be poptype modding, so I could actually just copystat all the units already in the poptypes, then assign those copies back into the poptypes. That would be much easier and you could eliminate everything without needing to worry about militia events etc.

But if you want to go ahead and tinker, that is your right. If you show me the results and give me permission, I may just steal them for the next version.
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