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Old September 1st, 2007, 01:04 AM

jutetrea jutetrea is offline
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Default Re: New nation: NATURE rising early stages

K, just downloaded and installed, haven't played through it yet:

Did you want all the Vaetti units in there? Both commanders and troops?

Did you mean for the tree and globe to be purchasable pretenders, if so, I'm definitely making a glow prophet

Are the ants and bees supposed to be 0g 1res? How about the ant commander? If so, I'd probably give the ant commander a 1 research...possibly, I'll play it out.

Was there supposed to be a second animal sacred?

Commanders look beefy, although everything is pretty expensive...I'm thinking of changing to order/sloth methinks.

I think you also have the vaetti spells in there, are there plans to make unique national spells? I noticed you mentioned something like legion of animals, but didn't see it.

I like the idea a lot, I also like the sheer multitude of random animals you can recruit. No idea how it'll work out yet, but it looks interesting.
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