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Old September 1st, 2007, 12:47 AM
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Cor2 Cor2 is offline
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Default Take the Challenge!

When I play a SP game I usually win, as do most of us I assume. Occasionally I find myself really challenged by the AI. I saved this game I was playing because I enjoyed it so much. I thought I would share it with you all. Think of it as a challenge. I especially love late game, which the AI does not handle very well.

You are Yomi late age. You are faced with two agressive enemies. Argathia to the north, who will harass you but should not be a real threat and Tien CHi to the west who's dominion is rapidly spreading through your land. You have about 12 turns to slow the dominion spread or your deadmeat. Good luck, you'll need it.

to play just unzip the folder into your saved games.
AND download Ballbarians Wraith Bunny map here:

I like the map by the way. The only problem is its not a wrap around.
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