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Old July 1st, 2007, 12:21 PM
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Ygorl Ygorl is offline
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Default Subs wanted for BARK

I'll be gone July 2-11 and would like for someone to run my little Sauromatian nation while I'm gone. It's a PBEM game, I'm not at war with anyone, so it should hopefully just be housekeeping. Please, if you're interested, send me a message here. If you get interested after today (July 1) please get in touch with Pasha, as I don't know how reliable my internet access will be.

Also, it's possible that I would be able to take my turns; if you, my potential future helper, don't mind, I'd like to be able to take them if I can. I also understand that it could be annoying to commit to subbing for someone and then not actually sub for them, so if you prefer you can just take the nation and I'll keep my hands off it for the next four turns.


Oh, and a couple other folks (including Pasha, the host) will need subs at various points in July. They might post here too.
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