Warhammer Nations
I'm making this thread to talk about Warhammer Nations generally, since I plan on doing many/some/most/none/quasar of them,.... over the course of a loooong time, obviously.
I'll post thoughts I have about nations that aren't the skaven (which I'm already working on) here.
My proposed list of Warhammer Nations (not in any order, subject to name change):
Chaos Dwarfs
Greenskins (mountain/badland dwellers mainly)
Savage Greenskins (forest gobs and savage orcs mainly)
High Elves
Wood Elves
Dark Elves
Vampire Counts (excluding carstein)
Traditional Undead (including carstein)
Tomb Kings of Khemri
Tilea AKA Dogs of War
Chaos Hordes (tribes, warriors, daemons)
Beasts of Chaos (beastman warband effectively)
Ogre Kingdoms
Have I missed any?
I'll post prelim army lists for them in following posts.
Last edited by Sombre; October 2nd, 2009 at 07:03 PM..