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Old June 13th, 2007, 05:05 PM

J Henry Waugh J Henry Waugh is offline
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Default Re: Dominions 3 Random Game Generator

Gandalf Parker said:

Thats as far as I got. I have a bad habit of only doing something up to the proof point. Its only interesting to me if I am wondering whether or not its possible. Then I lose interest and never finish it
Yes, I have that habit too�

I'll probably just add a few options - starting nation total (sometimes you X players or you just want to do 1v1 skirmish or maybe try something funny). Perhaps a Nation/Age select too�

�really just wrote it to inject variety and get cool playing maps (or at least variations) - and I had one for Dom2 as well as a random map creator that I could never load to the web -- it relied on Perl/ImageMagick (and C to do actually generate the terrain) because the shared host I was on at the time did not support ImageMagick or at least the version I had tested with on my local machine. But it did hex maps (though I created a cool combo fractal/map gen algorithm modified a tad from various other engine code I scryed upon�) and I used em for SP games.

I was pretty pleased with the Dom3 random map generator but noticed it trended to the same sort of maps unless you fiddled with the Game Tools yourself� �I like the maps it makes though I wish it could do both impassable mountains and mountain provinces (or is that a game engine limitation?).
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