Although "Break the Will" is Thaum 8 it seems awfully powerful, since it will affect every enemy mage at once.
Well, compare to Army of Gold + Rain of Stones. That kills every enemy mage at once. Admittedly, armored mages are immune, so Break the Will is better in some respects.
Break the Will is also very hard to cast - you need a Mister Smith with astral (1 in 40) and he needs a cap *and* boots *and* he needs to summon earthpower on the first turn in order to get to E4 (so that he can spend the four gems it costs.)
I'm actually more worried about Bane Metal as potentially unbalancing.
Is there a reason marverni's spells currently arent national(meaning anyone can cast them)?
Yeah, I was debugging. It'll be fixed in the version I upload tonight.
edit: Also, alot of your spells for them require air magic that they dont have(even with randoms)
Yeah, those one are actually national spells for Eiru/Man drawn from similar folklore. Eiru/Man can't use the ones that require Astral.
double edit: Ermorian eternal knights may be a bit too powerful for their cost
They should be better than those dudes with Moon Blades (forget name) IF you have a reasonable blessing, and worse otherwise. Also note that you don't get a magic-wielding eternal knight leader.
I'm considering giving you the leader and making them show up remotely or temporarily or something.