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Old April 26th, 2007, 02:38 PM

VedalkenBear VedalkenBear is offline
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Default Re: Mod: ME Fiery Caelum

Mages for Caelis Immolatum:

Spire Horn Seraph: FFAA (FA 100%)
Spire Horn Seraphine: HH(FA 100%)
Caelian Seraph: FAWW (FAW 100%)
Caelian Seraphine: H (FAW 100%), +2 Research
Harab Seraph: FADD (FAD 100%)
Harab Seraphine: H (FAD 100%), Stealthy (+0), Spy

There's basically a direct clan-by-clan shift here, with a slight deviation for the Spire Horn Clan (they are traditionally weaker in magic, I wanted to keep the Caelian HH Seraphine in PD, and I didn't want a sacred Communion Slave). Current prices look like it's going to be 200g for the Seraphs, and 100g for the Seraphines (this is not including the High Seraphine).

Is this magic too weak or strong for ME? It seems comparable to others (particularly Machaka).

With this path, it looks like I'll be making two national summons for each tribe, one that is (AACC, where C is the tribe's magic type) and missile-oriented, and the other that is (FFCC) which is melee-oriented.

Oh, and this mod probably won't have any temperature preference (or it prefers 0).

Edit: After more thought, I have decided that all of the Seraphines will be reduced in magic to (FA 100%) random. In exchange, the Caelian Seraphine will receive a +2 Research bonus, and the Raptor Seraphine will gain Stealthy(+0) and Spy. (The Raptors were the ones that found out the dangers of Ermor's path.) The Spire Seraphines will not really need an adjustment. All costs (for the Seraphines) will stay at 100g.

Very likely the High Seraphines will also gain the +2 Research bonus plus the Spy trait, to represent all three tribes.

Edit: I sort of noticed that there was not enough Fire/Air going around (it was all second fiddle). Also, the only real reason I was including Astral magic was because of Caelum's current summons (The Spentas and the Yazatas). As I plan to create my own Yazatas (clan-specific) and I can always just change the path/cost on the Spentas, I'm dropping Astral magic from the nation. This is going to make the Spire Seraph FFAA (FA 100%), to give the nation the ability to have some overall good magic.

As a small aside, I put the 'clan specific' path back into the Seraphines' random.
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