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Old April 22nd, 2007, 06:39 PM

seej seej is offline
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Default Boiling the Ocean (Started, needs alternate?)

I would like to run an Early Age, play by email, game with one turn running per 24 hours at first. Random nation assignment. 19 players with about 21 territories per player on a random map.

I am relatively new - I have played in 4 multiplayer games or so.

As you sign up, I will email you with the random nation you have been assigned. To sign up, please leave me a message on this thread.

Also a note, turns will generally run at midnight EST, earlier if all turns are in. I will send out the maps before you are expected to make your pretender.

If delays are needed in the game, thats arrangeable per my discretion. Some notice ahead of time is generally favored in terms of my discretion ;-)

19 players - No slots open

Players and Nations:

Seej Rlyeh
Tromper Marveni
Arghali Ermor
Nix Caelum
Sensori Vanheim
dead Arcoscephale
dead Ulm
Jazzepi Mictlan
AI Kailasa
dead Sauromatia
DrPraetorious Helheim
AI Oceania
dead Tien Chi
Digress C'tis
FrankTrollman Agartha
dead Pangaea
Wraithlord Abysia
dead Atlantis

There is a possibility that we will need an alternate player, if anyone would like to volunteer on standby, I would appreciate it. It is currently turn 8 in the game. To volunteer post to this forum or PM me through this forum.

- seej
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