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Old February 12th, 2007, 11:34 AM
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Austerlitz44 Austerlitz44 is offline
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Default Offensive in Saar

Slot 427


Date: 9-9-1939

Type of battle: France assault vs Germany defend

Historical context:

Let us travel back to September 9, 1939.
During this period the largest part of the German army is located at the eastern front, in Poland and the Luftwaffe is occupied flying missions over the North in order to provide air protection to the industrial facilities of the Ruhr, thus the German airplanes do not present any serious danger.
Moreover (in this sector), the Siegfried line is still under construction (*according to sources of the 2nd Bureau).
For all the above reasons, General Giraud has managed to persuade General Gamelin that a swift and decisive assault at this exact location and moment will serve the best interest of France because such an action would eventually open the road of Kaiserslautern.
Despite the enemy's propaganda, the moral of the French troops is very high and the French Generals are convinced that their tanks are far superior than the German ones.
Additionally the French advance will be supported by the heavy artillery emplacements located at the Maginot line.

The �die is cast�, France has decided to invade the Saar and for this purpose the French HQ has committed the best units of the French army.

This scenario should be better played with the human player taking the French side while the AI assuming the German side. It can also be cheek in pbem.

NB This scenario is inspired among others, by " The French move " of Wild Bill Wilder and the article from World War II magazine by Kevin R. Austra : �Operation Saar : A Lost Opportunity�.

I wish to thank all those who have helped me in the realization of this scenario and more particularly Dehel, Gersen who provided valuable feedback by playtesting several times all the early versions of the scenario and Pyros Lambert for discussing and suggesting to me some advanced scenario features concerning this scenario.

Austerlitz 44
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