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Old January 18th, 2007, 03:52 PM
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Default Exact bless effects?

I tried to find a clear description of the (high-level) Blessing effects, but even on the Strategywiki, I didn't find a description of what some of them do...

Air 9: shock resistance, OK, no problem here

Astral 9: there's a spell by that name (manual p230), OK

Blood 9: "Death Curse"? didn't find an entry in the manual for it

Death 9: "Death Weapons"? Strategy wiki says this is 2 Armor Negating damage, with MR? is this in addition to normal damage, or does it make the weapon's damage Armor negating?

Earth 9: Protection +4, OK, that's clear

Fire 9: "Flaming Weapons"? Manual says "Flaming Arrows" is another damage roll at 8 AP; Strategywiki says 6 AP. Who's right?

Nature 9: Berserk 2, OK

Water 9: Quickness, OK

Can anybody fill me in as to the exact description of Blood/Death/Fire 9 bless effects?
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