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Old January 2nd, 2007, 11:05 PM
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paradoxharbinger paradoxharbinger is offline
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Default idea: city, thieves guild map/mod

so, i've had this idea floating around in my head for a while

i'd like to have a map/mod package that would be like warring thieves guild factions. it would be played on a city map, possibly like this where the sectors of the city are the 'provinces'. low resource and gold multipliers would mean that you would have to be very careful with your money, a single financial blunder could spell your ruin. that big bruiser you saved 3 months income to hire may not be worth giving up the 20 common thugs that you could have hired with the money.

most units are just average crossbowmen, archers, and malitia types. the different factions could specialize, one in stealth, another in brute force, etc.

stealth and assassination would also figure highly in gameplay.

also low magic, perhaps only the first 2 or 3 levels of research available, and mages commanding a high premium, possibly only available as heroes or mercenaries, and perhaps the elimination of all holy magics.

dominion would represent your autority in the city, and there would be only skeptic like preachers available.

special sites might include "the bar" which provides a moral boost to units in the district, or "the market" providing a gold bonus or "the smith" giving a resource or forging bonus. there is always "the palace" as well, which might be worth a victory point, the only one on the map, and gaining it would signal the rise of the new head of the theives guild.

a few foreseable problems off the top of my head:

pd would become overpowering, considering the low income, especially the starting district

lots of work, almost a total conversion

starting 'boss' builds could prove problematic

i'm sure there are others but my brain is sorta fried right now

lemme now what you think
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