Re: Spellbook script (in progress) (Python) (fun!!
I updated attachment in the first post.
New in version 0.2:
- renamed to
- code cleanup or obfuscation, depending on how you look at it.
- slightly different output by default
- new script: . At the moment just run it without any arguments. It will print you spells castable by each mage listed in mages data file. It works very well, but it doesn't take randoms into account at all.
- new data file: mages . So far, contains mages for Machaka, Ermor, Pythium, Arcoscephale, Man - all from middle era. Won't contain pure priests: waste of time, it's not hard to remember their spell list. But contains priest/mage hybrids. Note: the file has variable amount of columns, which may present a difficulty in parsing. Last optional columns are magic randoms. See for yourself.
- necronomicon data file updated: added Conjuration, Construction, and Holy spells. New column: battle/ritual.
Both data files are nicely grepable.
Basic functionality is alredy here. I'm especially proud from . It still needs a lot of work (randoms), but I think I'll focus on finishing data files now.
You need to put all the files in the same directory, because it's all hardcoded at the moment.
Those who do not understand Master Of Magic are condemned to reinvent it - badly.