Re: Pretender- Spider Queen
Perhaps, Endoperez. Admittedly, it's what I first thought of, and the rest was just conjecture. An Ungoliant style Pretender, if true to the Silmarillion, would definitely be very physically powerful and powerful in terms of raw abilities, such as Fear, but zero on magic skill because the creature was just purely driven by hunger to the point where she ended up wandering into a desert and eating herself. Actually, if you could do a Pretender who couldn't learn magic paths (say 80 to learn a new path with no starting paths) and had a collossal magic resistance, like 30, caused fear and had stealth and maybe assassination as well, you'd have something along the right lines. She might also produce giant spiders both within and without combat. She probably would be at the physical power level of a dragon in combat, yes. The type would be rather similar to a spider queen though...the spider queen Pretender could then perhaps be the magic-heavy, calculating type, able to give good bless strategy, decent in combat, maybe somewhere around ***** Queen to Scorpion King. Would produce spiders outside of combat. I also have a thought about an immobile Pretender: Spider Idol. A massive obsidian sculpture of a spidergod with ruby eyes which seem to glow with hate in darkness or at night. The spirit trapped inside...virgins are sacrificed...yadda yadda yadda. The Spider Idol would be immortal, low on magic but not totally bereft, maybe 50 for new paths and 1 level in death and blood, and produce outside of combat some kind of Wraith Spider (not sure if their are or are not something called Wraith Spiders in the game, but the things produced by the Spider Idol would be etherial undead spiders with stealth ability, darkvision, and lifedrain attacks.) Very expensive, maybe 175 ala Vampire Queen (which I think should be increased to 250 and given back Etherialness).
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!