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Old August 28th, 2006, 11:39 AM

Dizzy Dizzy is offline
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Default SE V Release date and do we care?

I heard Sept 12. Turns out to be my Bday! But will it be in stores that day?

And what do the beta testers have to say? Is the game 75% done, 80%? 90%?

How long b4 the 1st patch... We all KNOW its gonna need a patch out of the starting gate...

How many of you will wait to buy it till it's patched?

Since its my Bday, Im gonna buy it on the 12th. But usually, I dont like rewarding software companies with impulse buys on projects they rush to the shelf incomplete. I make em pay for their hastiness and hold off till it's patched well enough. If we all did, mb they'd stop shipping majorly buggy crap.
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