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Old August 1st, 2006, 05:55 PM
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Default Re: Stabilization numbers question/FCS

There's also a faction who think the Russian equipment is Gods Gift to Warfare and we try to deal with the information from both sides in an even handed way and give the units what we feel is realistic numbers. Remember, some of this is still classified and picking a number to use is often an educated guess.

Also keep in mind that there is little chance EVERYBODY will agree on whatever we put in. Yes, the export equipment, in Arab hands, came out looking quite poor during the arab israeli wars/iraq wars and there is a "faction" that believes quite strongly that the "real" Russian equipment was far superior to what was exported....but was it really? If you were the Russian leadership would YOU want people to think that pile of scrap metal littering the desert represents your best efforts at weapon design ? No, you wouldn't. I'm not saying the "home market" versions were OR were not superior to the export versions but this is something that will be debated to death for years. Your......"but from all the descriptions I've read .... " is just guesswork as well. WHAT descriptions WHERE? The internet is full of useful information and it also contains it's fair share of crap.

We have tried from the beginning to be fair to all nations but no matter what we do somebody ends up with something they think should be higher or lower which I suppose is the nature of the game and the people attracted to it. That's why we include MOBHack.


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