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Old July 6th, 2006, 12:05 PM
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BigJMoney BigJMoney is offline
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Default Learning from my mistakes:

I was playing themed Pythium (forget the name) with an S9 N4 Oracle, and I decided to try out Mind Hunt with Soul Slay... well, I figured that measly S5 Freak Lord would be no threat, so I went after him, and ended up with a feebleminded Oracle Since my most powerful mages are only W1 N2, there probably isn't any way I can repair this, is there? I have sages for research.

So, I'm trying to learn from this mistake. Why did this happen? Is Mind Hunt so sensitive that any Astral mage can sever it and kill you? I figured my S9 vs. his S5 would end up in my favor. I'm also starting to think maybe having an Oracle with Pythium was STUPID, but I didn't know Gateway wouldn't work with immobile pretenders. In fact, I was banking on the strategy of using teleports in the late game to take my Oracle places with an army and use high level Astral magic. The only good thing I've experienced so far with this army are my blessed hydras and hatchlings.

=$= Big J Money =$=
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