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Old June 5th, 2006, 01:22 AM

Wade Wade is offline
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Default Re: 255 and 500 systems? Where?

Thankyou all for the information. I probably would appreciate some aspects of some of the mods. I just can't bring myself to commit to them . Like I said, I've always found reason behind the designers "plan" in many games. Aside from the AI some times. Later I may consider the TDM Modpack and more races such as AtrocitiesRaces.

Not to be rude but just to state my opinion in response to yours; I want to comment on some of the mods.

I'm not sure yet what a Quantum Reactor-type component is (Space-Time Engine?) but Malfador must have thought it had it's place. A nuclear weapon (and many other technologies)is a huge imbalance in real life if the other does not have it but thats how a technology race works. Nations are working on defenses to this. Is there a stock balancer tech to Quantum Reactor; or is it just be equivalent in technology? Many nations in real life did not like not having nuclear technology so they too researched it.(Yes, I know it's just a game.)

How effective fighters and missiles are in the far future is arguable.

The space available on these transports is arguable.

In the stock race creation there is already options (although simplified) for regular tech, organic tech, and mechanoids.

Homeworlds already start with a good infrustructure.

"Least refined" is an opinion.

"Rock, paper, scissors" reminds me of Galactic Civilizations 2. An alright game but not the ultimate.

I didn't get this game for "fantasy". There are many other games for that. (Well I got it for science fiction "fantasy".)

But those are just my opinions and I'm just a newbie to you all. But, again, I'm gonna play awhile and then consider AI improvement and more races.

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