Thread: Mictlan
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Old May 21st, 2006, 08:46 PM

DominionsFan DominionsFan is offline
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Default Re: Mictlan

NTJedi said:
Kristoffer O said:
> Why would they summon their new national summons when they can always cranck out Devils?

Devils might be nerfed. Tzitzimitl star demons might be powerful. Or they might just be more fun.
Well the issue with most national troops is 'most' summoned creatures are usually a better long_term package. Most nations have national summons which have an expense of initial gold cost, food supplies, and gold upkeep.
Now compare this against 'most' summoned units which have an expense of initial gem cost... and that's it. Not to mention some summoned creatures are significantly stronger and more likely to survive horror attacks, SC's, ghost riders and other such nasty enemies.
I play mostly large maps of 200 or more provinces and my experience is the national troops for most nations are only needed during the very beginning unless using some F9 / W9 setup.

*** One suggestion I have for making national troops more popular throughout the game is by having their existence within a province increase the population. Don't do the increase by percentage or gamers will just be dropping the national troops in grassland areas... each soldier should increase population by 10 per turn, thus provinces destroyed by death can be reborn. Soldiers are known to socialize with local ladies unless it's Ermor of course.
-- hope this helps
You know, there should be a way to "upgrade" the national troops. Example regular national swordsman -> veteran national swordsman -> elite national swordsman. Thats 1/2/3 levels. Now, as they reach a new level, they gonna be more powerful and get better equipments. I have no idea, that how could this be implented with the Doms 3. engine. However there is an easier way. Add them as summons maybe. Like Abysia level 2 national troops would be a level 3 fire spell, level 3 national troops would be a level 5 fire spell.
If these things can be modded [I think yes], this is actually a good idea for the modders.
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