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Old April 5th, 2006, 12:19 AM
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Wenin Wenin is offline
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Default Data Checker v 1.10

I've created a Data Checker tool that will examine the Components.txt and TechArea.txt files. It currently ensures the following.

- No Tabs being used (causes problems with Component Editor .90)
- Data for fields requiring Integers
- Proper order of Fields
- Proper spelling of field names
- Proper sequencing of Tech Req and Abilities

Gives warnings for the following:

- Tech Requirements for a Component or Tech Area are higher than what is attainable
- Ability assigned to a Component isn't valid (spell checked)

The Tool doesn't correct the data.

I don't have many Mods downloaded, so give it a test run on the Mods you have and report any problems. Try to even fool it, or break it.

PS: Place the EXE in the Data folder of the Mod.

v 1.0

- Original Release

v 1.05

- Enabled basic format checking of TechArea.txt
- Added data checking for Integer only fields

v 1.1

- Added compensation for Optional Weapon List fields
- No longer gives false errors when encountering extra spaces before or after a Tech name
- Added line count display
- Added data checking on True/False, Vehicle Type and Custom Vehicle Type data
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