First, I'll have to warn you, it might take a month or two before I can whip myself to starting the project again. Then Dom3 will appear, and I'll waste too much time on that. So this might be vaporware already.
I'm doing Java. I'm at the very basics. My program is effectively text editor. It chooses things from random lists. The lists themselves are read from text files (e.g. the poptypes are in a text file). I haven't used the Java command line parameters at all IIRC, but I'm not very keen on doing a GUI... If and when I get to work on that particular project again, I'd prefer a ready GUI a lot, even if it means having to learn command line parameters. They should be much easier to learn that trying to do GUI. Besides, at this point it shouldn't be that hard to add in some command line parameters... Just shows how much there is still to do.