Re: New MP game Map: Saephi
Looks nice, if a bit glowish.
Not that I ever managed to do a better color palette for my own map: it looks far more glowish, that's why I haven't finished it :/
I notice, though, that there are lots of mixed-terrain provinces again. After a whole lot of blitz games I have come to the conclusion that those aren't really good: While you only need 1 survival skill to get full movement through a 2-terrain province (eg. mountain forrest), there's always 1 unit in an army which will bog the whole bunch down to 1 prov/turn. And that's not only too slow especially on such a big map, but gives big advantages to flying units as well.
But it's not only the movement that suffers, but the province stats as well: farm land should give you high pop, low ressources, woods give medium/low pop and good ressources. If you combine them, everything cancels each other out and you end up with a prov that is very much like plain .. plains .. but with restricted movement and .. oh, just had an idea: Mixed terrain might be detrimental to magic sites!!
Kristoffer said:
Forest: (site freq) + 10
Farm: (site freq) - 20
Only the most beneficial counts.
So a forest-farm should count as forest as long as the chance to generate magic sites is concerned. But there can only be sites generated which can appear in both forest and farm land !!
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on somewhen back in 1998 ...