Imperator Fyron said:
I've seen a number of newer LCDs. The affordable ones aren't worth the money to me, since I do not like low resolutions. I can spend under $60 on a 19 inch CRT and comfortably run it at 1600x1200 or higher (maybe $80-100 for 21 inch CRT), or ~$300 on a low resolution 17 inch LCD. The $200 or so models are pretty crappy, not worth considering.
Fyron, have you ever actually compared them side-by-side? Again, I say I bought 19" LCD's that are far superior to the CRT displays out today. And in high rez too.
The price difference is not as drastic or dramatic as you indicate unless you're comparing a new LCD to a 19" CRT coming off a lease.
I think you've been reading 2 year old magazine reviews again.