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Old October 17th, 2001, 04:05 AM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: When you first meet a race

Depends on who I'm playing.

If I'm doing the Certdsh, who are xenophobic isolationists (mostly) I tell them to stay out, then cut off contact except for warnings. This resulted in a scenerio that was eerily like one of the Bolo books I had read- except I bailed before the war started. Literally- I packed up the Certdsh and left! Neutral happyness is a PAIN, FYI.

If I'm playing the race I'm using in Puke's end of the universe game, I try to be friendly with everyone. They're sorta hippy-like actually. "Hey, you glassed one of my planets. Cool light show, man.." OK, not THAT bad, but still


I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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