Re: Ulm SP AAR- Swords Vs. Sorcery
Turns 50-53: Relative Calm.
We clean up some of the remaining provinces of Caelum. We discover the secrets of contacting Trolls, and acquire 12 for the First Army and 16, plus a Troll King, for what will become Second Army. The Trolls, as predicted earlier in this thread by thejeff, are expensive in upkeep. We have a gift for spending gold as fast as it comes in. . .We have also built a small unit of cavalry- I have been impressed with the previous unit and hope these are even better.
It seems Caelum, like Pangaea, will be driven into the oceans and remain there, safe. . . until We develop techniques for invading even there.
Our spies are creeping through the lands of Pythium, spreading dissent with small visible success
Magically, We have pushed heavily to increase our knowledge of Construction- next turn, We will have several lightless lanterns. We now have a lab and a library, and a single Sage [unfortunately, one with fire magic] to research- soon, we will be able to free all our Smiths for the armies.
Our enemies are still large and ominous.
Jotunheim is near the end of their strength- they have taken some lands back from Pythium, but are down to a handful of provinces and their army is weak, primarily undead .
Pythium is growing ever stronger, and slowly developing some magical might. We are tempted to turn aside from the relatively constant C'tissan enemy to strike them first.
C'tis has some unexpected dangers- aside from the hundreds or thousands of their troops, they have one or more provinces that are sinks of disease; two of my spies have fallen victim already.
Vanheim is the most disturbing to Us- I know little of their armies, I have not seen them in battle, and they are powerful in both magic and materiel. Their armies can grow tremendously strong without starving, and who knows what evil sorcery they can muster?
Our current plans are unchanged: strike hard and fast, from two directions, at the C'tissian threat. Once they are reduced, continue on into Pythium. Last, Vanheim. Possibly a third force will be mustered, to clean out the oceans. We are developing large stocks of various gems; We may enhance Our power in water, and build Tomes of Water Breathing. Possibly my Sages will produce another answer. Come the time, Caelum and Pangaea's false gods will be cleansed from this desert earth.