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Old October 1st, 2005, 10:34 PM
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Default Re: direct fire splashes

Not all "splash damage" has an effect. This is similar to what you will now see with ground fire vs. Helos. In the past you didn't know you were being hit....but **not damaged** and that is an important distinction..... when ground fire was directed towards helos until real damage occured. Now you will see messages indicating there are hits being made. ( but not always damaging ones ) That's when the game calculates if the hit causes damage. In the past if you had a Helo and you passed over ground units that fired at you never knew if you were in any real danger until a damage message appears. The new Hit messages just let you know you are being hit and COULD be damaged. The same thing applies to the splash damage with arty ( direct and indirect ) You may see secondary rings appear around a unit but it does not lose a man. It's taken a hit but not a damaging one that causes a casualty.

The splash damage rings were a testing tool Andy added to check that units were taking hits.... NOT necessarily damage or casualties.. just hits to check that effects were going into other hexes Often there will be damage or men lost but not always and becasue it was a testing tool it also shows the potential for damage into other hexes from lighter calibre weapons ( and MG's ) becasue these all fall under the same classification in the game. It's POTENTIAL damage that is being recorded here


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