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Old September 6th, 2005, 04:25 AM

sunray_be sunray_be is offline
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Default Re: Burden of time - rules?

FrankTrollman said:[*] 1 point hits (I am less sure of this one, but based on looking at diseased characters, I think this is how this works).
I tested BoT on an army of 1hp Dragonflies. After 10 turns some had got afflictions but survived, very few died. So I'd say that the affliction is really random, it cannot be a 1hp hit (no dragonfly could survive even a 1hp hit).
And the "age" does not affect friendly units BTW. After 15 turns, the caster's army (100 bowmen) still had not the least affliction/casualty (even out of his dominion)...
I think that the chance to drop dead is 1%, or maybe 0,5%, and the chance to get a random affliction is 5%.
Pop loss is 2% all around the world (friendly dominion is affected too).
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